Thursday, March 18, 2010

Artist's Block?

I've been bogged down under a stiff case of artist's block. Like for the last two months. The other day, my sculpture professor and friend, Brian Christensen, gave a presentation about creativity and basically how to access creativity and avoid stagnation (timely, I know). He suggested cranking work out as fast as you can to overcome the stagnant bog of artistic apathy. As such, I took him up on it and made some little video pieces that I would now like to share with y'alls:

This one is untitled as of yet, but I'm thinking of calling it "Treadmill" or something like that.

This one needs to be reshot, but I'm definitely going to call it "Sisyphus." Maybe if I'm in a punny sort of mood I'll call it "Slinkyphus"

Neither one is totally finished, but you get the idea. Both videos are meant to loop continuously, so they essentially will not stop. Anyway, that's the preliminary cut, so let me know what you think.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Apparatus of Play Show Announcement

Just an announcement that I will be having a solo show entitled "Apparatus of Play" in Gallery 303 at BYU this summer. The show will be the first two weeks in July. Look for more updates about opening reception, pieces, and other tidbits.

Vera Hinckley Mayhew Contest

Every year at Brigham Young University, there is a creative arts contest named after Vera Hinckley Mayhew. There are many categories, including visual arts. I entered my sculpture "Hell" in the show and the jurors chose it to be displayed! Go figure.